Tankclean Alkaline Extra

Tankclean Alkaline Extra

Heavy-duty alkaline cleaner, pet coke cleaner.

Product description

TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA is used for removal of edible and animal oil residues in cargo tanks. It is also used as a final treatment for cleaning tanks from black to white or grain. TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA is suitable for use on stainless steel and epoxy coated tank materials.
TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA is used for cleaning boiler furnace and as a neutralising agent.

Directions for use

Tank cleaning should, if possible, be carried out immediately after discharge of cargo. TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA should be applied with water at a temperature above 60°C if possible. The cleaning should be done by circulation using a tank cleaning machine, spray equipment or injected into the steam.

Use a 3 – 5% solution of TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA with fresh/demineralised water.

Use a 5% solution of TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA with fresh/demineralised water.

Do not pre-wash with water prior to the application of chemicals, as this will potentially harden remaining stains and thereby reduce the efficiency of chemicals. Instead, use TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA undiluted on the surface and let it soak for 15 – 20 minutes. Wash with fresh or demineralised water.

Use a 10 – 20% solution of TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA with fresh water. A hot solution of more than 40°C is preferable as treatment is more effective when heated. Apply solution to surfaces to be cleaned by spraying. Depending on the nature, age and state of the deposits, repeat spraying as much as necessary.
For deposits, which are very hard to remove, a solution of up to 50% can be used.

Generally, the amount of TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA required is 4% of the unit capacity depending on the degree of contamination. The above dosage may be increased to 5 – 10%.


  1. Blank off unit to be certain that it is isolated.
  2. Drain unit of all water.
  3. Connect steam hose, preferably to bottom of unit.
  4. Connect circulating pump, if possible. If not, use steam for agitation, vent unit at highest possible point to prevent pressure build-up and allow fumes to escape.
  5. Pour 4% of TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA into the unit.
  6. Add fresh/demineralised water to the top of tube bundle level or minimum water level for boilers.
  7. Heat solution to at least 60°C and recirculate for a minimum of 20 to 24 hours after this temperature is attained.
  8. After heating and recirculation or agitation, dump the solution from the unit.
  9. For boilers, flush each tube with fresh water in order to remove oil residues.

Standard packing

TANKCLEAN ALKALINE EXTRA is usually available in plastic cans of 25 l and plastic drums of 200 l.

Features & Benefits

  • Easy to use liquid cleaner
  • Removes hardened oxidised oil and grease deposits
  • Cleans pet coke and coal
  • Cleaning of boiler furnace
  • Removes edible, fish and animal oils
  • Final treatment for cleaning cargo tanks from black to white or grain
  • Safe on epoxy and polyurethane tank coatings
  • Concentrated and economical to use

Product complies with Marpol 71/17 Add.1 Annex 21, page 1, Resolution MEPC 295 (71) guidelines for implementation of Marpol Annex V (adopted on 7 July, 2017). Click here for more information.


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